Basic Finnish instincts

Basic Finnish instincts

Here, you can read about the habits of Finns and Finland. It might help you to understand where you are better. Even if something is humorous or feels strange, all facts here are based on truth. If you like this article, please visit another about the Deadliest sins you can ever commit in Finland.

Going to sauna

The sauna is a central object of Finnish culture. People in Finland were born in a sauna and used that for burial ceremonies. The number of saunas in Finland is very large. Almost every private house, apartment building, or office complex has a sauna. If you do not go to the sauna once a week, you must readjust your life.

To swim in the winter

Many people in Finland practice ice swimming after the sauna or even without it. Ice swimming raises dopamine levels and improves body health. If you do it for the first time, remember to do it with someone experienced. Don’t be drunk, don’t jump to the opening in the ice, but go down and get out slowly and safely.

Having a free bucket

If you think it is a joke, then you are mistaken. Many businesses use a free bucket marketing strategy. The bucket is a convenient object you can use in the forest for berries or in the sauna for many purposes. No matter how many buckets you have, there is always a place for another. Finns will stand in a long line to get their free bucket if any store offers them. And then we will spend a few hundred at the new opening places.

Buying Moomin merch

You can’t ignore Moomin merch, especially if there is any campaign with discounts.

You can’t ignore the new issues of Moomin products. 

The most valuable Moomin mug price estimate today is 9,000 — 12,000€.

Going to kirpputori

To read more about secondhand shopping, check out our article.

Having a knife or even making it

Knife is an integral part of Finnish life. They are not considered weapons in the culture but helpful tools. Of course, according to Finnish law, if you carry a knife, you must have a reason for that. Thousands of Finns make knives themselves and participate in knife exhibitions.

To stay in the nature

Almost every person in Finland has a cottage in the forest (mökki), and most people have a lot of outdoor and hiking equipment. Nature is a perfect place to be, regardless of whether you are alone or with someone. Sometimes you can also find a sauna there. Let’s go wild.

Owning forest

Forests cover almost 80% of Finland’s land area. Finland has 23 million hectares of forest and an estimated 78 billion trees, more than 4 hectares, and some 15000 trees for each Finn. A total of 20.3 million hectares is available for timber production, 61% of which is privately owned.

Having fewer facial expressions.

This is truly a national thing.

It does not mean Finns are shy, grumpy, or don’t like you. There is no reason to have too many emotions. Try to move your face when it is frozen.

Photo: “Finnish racer Kimi Raikkonen wins thrilling US Grand Prix.”

Having a vast personal space

People keep their distance in Finland. Sometimes, they speak to each other from at least a few meters away. This rule doesn’t work in the sauna. In the sauna, people are very close.

Being usually calm

Finland is a calm place. Sometimes, you might feel that there are no people. Actually, people are somewhere else.

Photo: crowded Finnish street, probably somewhere in Helsinki.

Being wild because of hockey

But people are not calm when there is a hockey game. Whether Finland is winning or losing, people could accidentally go crazy. If Finland wins the championship or Olympics, that might bring absolute mayhem to all Finnish streets.