Contact information

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out. Please contact us by filling out the form at the bottom of this page or emailing [email protected]. You can also send us a message to our e-mail addresses. Please do not contact us through social networks!

President and Fresher Captain[email protected]
Vice-President[email protected]
Treasurer[email protected]
Communication and Social Media[email protected]
Trip Manager[email protected]
Project Manager + Website matters[email protected]
Sports Manager[email protected]
Harassment contact person 1[email protected]
Harassment contact person 2[email protected]
If you are eligible for reimbursement (form in .docx, form in .pages formats)[email protected]

Legal information

Legal nameErasmus Student Network Lappeenranta ry
Reg. Nr.3082905-5
Postal addressLaserkatu 10, 53850 Lappeenranta, Etelä-Karjala, Finland
Visiting addressYliopistonkatu 34, Room 1224, 53850 Lappeenranta, Etelä-Karjala, Finland

Banking information

Recipient nameErasmus Student Network Lappeenranta ry
BankOP Yrityspankki Oyj (OP Corporate Bank PLC)
Bank account nr.FI17 5620 0920 5750 07
Accountant e-mail[email protected]

Contact Form