On this page, you can see the calendar of all our events where ESN Lappeenranta is involved or what we organize.

You can see our Office Hours as well. Usually, at these times, at least one board member in the Guild Room offers you services of our Guild, like issuing the ESNcard and selling you overalls and patches.

If you have an idea for the event, you can propose it to the board or discuss it with the Guild. Contact the entire board or the exact responsible board member by e-mail.

Our 2024 Autumn semester events

I Hate Mondays: the shadow event of ESN Lappeenranta. 26.08.2024 starting from 18:00 in the ESN Sauna Trailer.

ESN Open House is where we greet and show our new exchange students around. It will be held on 28.08.2024 from 13:00 to 16:00. Find our members in the grilling area, and they will take you to our Guild Room.

ESN Finnish Evening, the semester opening party! Come to Kellari on 13.09.2024, starting from 18:00.

Finnish history, memes, and how to catch saimaannorppa. Date: 18.09, starting at 19:00. Location: the big auditorium of YU-Talo (Student Union Building)

ESN Bring a Finn Sitsit: Monday, 18.11.2024. Location: Kellari.

Grand Saimaa trip: to be announced

ESN Lappeenranta Annual Ball, the biggest festive party of our organization: 19.10.2024 and 20.10.2024.

Farewell party: to be announced