On this page, you can see the calendar of all our events where ESN Lappeenranta is involved or what we organize.

You can see our Office Hours as well. Usually, at these times, at least one board member in the Guild Room offers you services of our Guild, like issuing the ESNcard and selling you overalls and patches.

Our 2025 Spring semester events

Here is our entire list of events for the semester, with some additional comments if needed.

03.01: ESN lecture on orientation week.

09.01: Orientation day at LAB University of Applied Sciences.

10.01: ESN participation in the welcome fair in the main lobby of LUT University.

13.01: ESN Open House in Kellari and Guild Room.

20.01: ESN Finnish Evening in Kellari.

28.01: PK5 Saunis with LapTop

29.01: ESN participation in Liugur.

TBA: ESN Sewing Patch Event.

05.02: ESN Movie Night in the Guild Room.

14.02: Ruohosaari Laavu Campfire.

24.02: ESN First Karaoke Evening in the “Cafe G Bar”

03.03 – 09.03: ESN Lapland Trip with Timetravels.

13.03: Bring a Finn Sitsit in Kellari. Theme: “Bring a FISH Sitsit

16.03 – 18.03: Pirates of the Baltic Sea. Section sales: 27.01. – 08.02.

26.03: ESN Second Karaoke Evening in the “Cafe G Bar”

23.04 – 29.04: ESN Lofoten Trip with Timetravels.

TBA: ESN Spring General Meeting.

TBA: PK5 Saunis.

13.04: Skinnarila Cookout in the LAB cooking area in collaboration with Grilliseura.

19.04: Välikuolemasaunis.

TBA: Farewell Party in Kellari.

Do you want to know all Skinnarila events? There are two options: Skinnarila Bot in Telegram and SVV Calendar.